44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Fonó, 23 October 2019.
On the day for remembering Hungary’s 1956 revolution and fight for freedom, we present a dance performance and dance house.

egy nep kialtott

A stellar group of award-winning solo and couple folk dancers comes together for this performance commemorating this important event in 20th century Hungarian history. Winners of Hungary’s “Páva” televised folk talent competition: Berecz István (2012), Fodor Mátyás (2018) and Fundák Kristóf (2014) have chosen folk dance and music to illustrate the spirit and story of the people on this day of commemoration.

Music directors: Kiss B. Ádám, Berecz István, Fundák Kristóf
Choreography: Fundák Kristóf, Berecz István

Following the dance performance, Kiss B. Ádám and his band will play for the dance house.

Ticket price: 1000 Ft

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