- Dance teaching in Fonó | Budapest – 11th districtfolk dance courses
every Tuesday from 7 pm till 9 pm
Every Tuesday evening we await both beginners and advanced folk dancers, who would like to learn dances of selected regions on a deeper level. There will be separate groups for beginners and for advanced dancers. The two groups will come together for singing, and the evening will finishing up with live music and free dancing for all.
Everyone is welcome – with or without a partner!
Dance material for September and October 2019: Dances of Transylvania’s Felcsík Region
Dance teachers:
Advanced: Ignác Kádár, Franciska Vajai
Beginners: Flórián Hajdú, Melánia Tóth
Music: Attila Mihó and His Band
Singing teacher: Orsolya András
Felcsík preserves an older layer of dances of the Székely people. The Felcsík region is located in Transylvania north of the city of Csíkszereda/Miercurea Ciuc between the Bogát Pass and Balánbánya/ Bălan (in Hargita County, Romania). Dances of this region are characterized by firm rhythm and playfulness. At one time music in the entire area was played on violin and hit-cello, later on violin-viola was added to the band, and then double bass took over the hit-cello’s role.
19:00-20:30 Dance teaching in separate groups for beginners/advanced
20:30-20:45 Singing instruction
20:45-21:00 All dance
Tickets: 1000 Ft
Fonó Budai Zeneház
1011 Budapest, Sztregova út 3.
+36-1-206-5300 - Dance course for adults | Miskolcfolk dance courses
every Thursday from 7.00 pm till 9.00 pm
Couple dances of Györgyfalva
Repka Gyula (06-30-36-60-012)
Hejczei Gabi (06-20-44-29-733)
Fráter György Katolikus Gimnázium
Miskolc, Városház tér 6.
- Dance course for adults | Budapest – 2nd districtfolk dance courses
Friday from 7.30 pm till 9.30
Couple dances of Ördöngösfüzes for beginners and advanced.
Teachers: Horányi Csaba and Horányi-Pirók Panka
Apply in advance:
Horányi Csaba: 06-30-308-7743,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Horányi-Pirók Panka: 06-20-615-0404,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Marczibányi Téri Művelődési Központ
1022 Budapest, Marczibányi tér 5/A
www.intenzivneptanc.hu - Dance courses for beginners | Budapest – 5th districtfolk dance courses
every Tuesday from 6 pm till 7.30pm
Mini courses of different dances and dance techniques for beginners.
Teachers: Magyar Zsuzsanna and Nagy József
Information:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On facebook:
Venue: Budapesti Ward Mária Gimnázium
1056 Budapest, Irányi utca 3.
- Folk dance course for adults | Budapest – 5th distirctfolk dance courses
Wednesday from 7 pm till 9.45 pm
Dances of Magyarpalatka (Mezőség)
Teachers: Bánhegyi Nikoletta and Benedek Attila
Daily ticket: 1.300 HUF
Monthly ticket: 1.000 HUF/occasion
Aranytíz Kultúrház
1051 Budapest, Arany J. u. 10.
Tel.: 06-1-354-3400This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.aranytiz.hu - Dance course for adults | Miskolcfolk dance courses
every Monday from 6 pm till 7 pm
Dances of Magyarpalatka (men's dance)
Teacher: Nyíri Gábor
Tel.: 06-46-508-909This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
VOKE Vörösmarty Mihály Művelődési Ház
3525 Miskolc, Lenke u. 14/a
www.varosszelibetyarok.blogspot.com - “Tititá” dance workshop | Budapest – 5th districtfolk dance courses
on Tuesdays from 7.45 pm till 9.15 pm
Dances of Vajdaszentivány for advanced
Teachers: Magyar Zsuzsanna and Nagy József
Information:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; +36 20 970 3625
On facebook:
Venue: Budapesti Ward Mária Gimnázium
1056 Budapest, Irányi utca 3.
- Dance course for adults | Budapest – 6th districtfolk dance courses
every Wednesday and Friday from 6.30 pm till 8.30 pm
Folk dance course for adults.
Teacher: Szabó Lajos
Information: +36-70-392-3982This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On facebook:
Naptűz Táncegyüttes
1068 Budapest
Városligeti fasor 2.
- Gypsy dances of Nagyecsed | Budapest – 6th districtfolk dance courses
Thursday from 6.30 pm till 8.00 pm
Dance teaching for beginners and advanced.
Conductor: Balogh Katesz
Phone: 06-70-548-2578This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Szüerro Tánciskola
1061 Budapest, Eötvös u. 50. - Dance course for adults | Budapest – 5th districtfolk dance courses
Monday from 7 pm till 9.45 pm
Invirtita of Szucság
Teachers: Bánhegyi Nikoletta and Benedek Attila
daily: 1300 HUF
monthly: 1000 HUF/occasion
Aranytíz Kultúrház
1051 Budapest, Arany J. u. 10.
Tel.: 06-1-354-3400This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.aranytiz.hu - Dance course for adults | Budapest – 6th districtfolk dance courses
every Wednesday and Friday from 6.30 pm till 8.30 pm
Folk dance course for adults.
Teacher: Szabó Lajos
Information: +36-70-392-3982This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On facebook:
Naptűz Táncegyüttes
1068 Budapest
Városligeti fasor 2.