- “Kolo” South Slavic dance-house | Budapest – 9th districtdance-houses for adults
Wednesday from 6.30 pm till 11 pm
South Slavic (Serbian, Croatioan, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Greek) folk dances and music
Dance teaching: from 6.30 pm
Dance house: from 7.45 pm
Entrance fee: 700 HUF
Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ
1096 Budapest, Haller u. 27.
Tel.: 06-1-216-1300, 06-1-476-3410This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.ferencvarosimuvkp.hu - Folk dance course for adults | Budapest – 5th distirctfolk dance courses
Wednesday from 7 pm till 9.45 pm
Dances of Magyarpalatka (Mezőség)
Teachers: Bánhegyi Nikoletta and Benedek Attila
Daily ticket: 1.300 HUF
Monthly ticket: 1.000 HUF/occasion
Aranytíz Kultúrház
1051 Budapest, Arany J. u. 10.
Tel.: 06-1-354-3400This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.aranytiz.hu - “Fonó wednesday” dance-house | Budapest – 11th districtdance-houses for adults
every Wednesday from 8 pm
Dance house reigns on Fonó Wednesdays!
Every week we invite two guest bands to play dance house music all evening. Góbé and PásztorHóra bands play every two weeks for Hungarian string band and Moldavian dance houses. Other bands from Budapest, the countryside and communities outside Hungary’s borders will also play for dancing during the season.
Come with, or without a partner; with or without dance experience! Everyone is welcome!
Tickets: 1000 Ft
Ticket prices:
1000 HUF
Fonó Budai Zeneház
1165 Budapest, Sztregova u 3.
Phone: 06-1-260-5300
www.fono.hu - Dance course for adults | Budapest – 6th districtfolk dance courses
every Wednesday and Friday from 6.30 pm till 8.30 pm
Folk dance course for adults.
Teacher: Szabó Lajos
Information: +36-70-392-3982This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On facebook:
Naptűz Táncegyüttes
1068 Budapest
Városligeti fasor 2.