- “Greenfields” Irish music and dance-house | Budapest – 11th districtdance-houses for adults
Monday from 7 pm till 10 pm
Dance and song teaching, concerts.
Entrance fee: 900 HUF
TEMI Fővárosi Művelődési Ház
1119 Budapest, Fehérvári út 47.
Tel.: 06-1-203-3868fmh@fmhnet.hu
www.fmhnet.hu - Szimpla dance-house | Budapest – 7th districtdance-houses for adults
every Monday from 9 pm till 2 am
dance house and folk pub
Maruzsenszki Andor — violin
Kiss-Balbinat Ádám — violin
Lajti Ákos — viola
Éri Katalin — double bass
Dance house leader: Bödöcs Zoltán
Entrance free of charge!
Szimpla Kert
1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 14.
Information: +36-30-616-0414
On facebook: - Fonó sessions | Budapest – 11th districtevery Monday from 7 pm till 11 pm
Everyone is invited to these informal jam sessions: come one, come all – last year’s participants, all interested folks and friends!
Anyone can join in - with or without an instrument
Entrance free of charge!
Fonó Budai Zeneház
1011 Budapest, Sztregova u. 3.
+36-1-206-5300 - Dance course for adults | Miskolcfolk dance courses
every Monday from 6 pm till 7 pm
Dances of Magyarpalatka (men's dance)
Teacher: Nyíri Gábor
Tel.: 06-46-508-909varosszelibetyarok@gmail.com
VOKE Vörösmarty Mihály Művelődési Ház
3525 Miskolc, Lenke u. 14/a
www.varosszelibetyarok.blogspot.com - Dance course for adults | Budapest – 5th districtfolk dance courses
Monday from 7 pm till 9.45 pm
Invirtita of Szucság
Teachers: Bánhegyi Nikoletta and Benedek Attila
daily: 1300 HUF
monthly: 1000 HUF/occasion
Aranytíz Kultúrház
1051 Budapest, Arany J. u. 10.
Tel.: 06-1-354-3400aranytiz@aranytiz.hu