44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025

Palace of Arts, 20 January 2016
The names of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály are synonymous with the discovery of the folk music of the Carpathian basin, its elevation to classical music and "adjustment” for the concert stage. These arrangements are in effect folk songs dressed up. As Kodály himself wrote: "They need the right clothes if we are to bring them from the fields into the city”. This concert offers an opportunity for the acts from the three series of the Fölszállotta a páva television talent show to introduce these treasures of our folk culture in their own context and their original form.

kubinyi juliaJúlia Kubinyi folk singer

Bartók: Dances of Transylvania, Sz. 96, BB 102b
Kodály-Kocsis: Árva madár
Bartók: Hungarian Peasant Songs, Sz. 100, BB 107 - Ballad
Kodály: Dances of Galánta
Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances, Sz. 68, BB 76
Kodály-Kocsis: Puciné
Bartók-Kocsis: 20 Hungarian Folk Songs, Sz. 92, BB 98 - Slow Dance
Kodály: Kálló Double Dance
Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis

Featuring: participants from the Fölszállott a páva television talent show:
Anna Csizmadia, Júlia Kubinyi, Zoltán Zsikó – vocals
Parapács Band
Gábor Kurdi – bagpipe
Cifra Dance Ensemble (led by Gergő Sánta)
National Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir
Polina Pasztircsák, András Palerdi – voice
Ferenc Sebő – Host

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